ICT Monitor

Period served: 2019-2021

I have been the ICT representative of my class from 2018 to 2021. As an ICT representative, I have been educating my classmates and raising awareness regarding cyber security and basic online etiquette. I have also been supporting my teachers in troubleshooting technical issues and managing the issuance of iPads for learning purposes.

Class Chairperson

Period served: Jan 2022 - Dec 2022

I was elected Chairperson of my class from January 2022 to December 2022. As the class Chairperson, I ensured orderly conduct in the class in the absence of the teacher and was involved in assisting teachers with the various assigned tasks.

School Cyber-Wellness Ambassador

Period served: Jan 2022 - present

Alongside my role as a Class Chairperson, I was chosen as a Cyberwellness Ambassador in the January 2022 and I held that position till December 2023. While I held that position, I created many presentations and had various talks with my schoolmates regarding various aspects of cyberwellness, such as cyberbullying, cybersecurity, and basic tips to leave a positive online footprint.

Science Representative

Period served: Jan 2023 - present

In January 2023, I was selected by my Science Teacher to be the Science Representative of the class. As the Science Representative, my key responsibilities were to assist the teacher in the collection and distribution of worksheets and workbooks and share additional information about the various science topics with the class,.